Squirrels 3-6 years

Family scouting aka Squirrels is a hobby for the whole family! In family scouting, an adult and a child under school age (3 to 6 yrs) go on adventures together while getting to know scouting activities. Family Scouting is an easy, experiential and communal way to get to know Scouting.

Often a family patrol is a day trip to nearby nature arranged once a month or a meeting around a theme. Each scout group may also have its own ways of implementing family scouting.

The Family Scouting programme consists of six activity modules: everyday skills, hiking skills, handicrafts, outdoor skills, nature skills and getting to know the activities of the scout.

Next meetings are is informed at WhatsApp group.

Contact: Susanna Kaurinkoski and Jenna Rajala


What is better than climbing in a tree?

Snack time with a great view!

My turn!

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