The Summer Camp is coming!       

June 25th to 29th at Partioniemi

Epic camp with sun, swimming, sauna, sports and superfood.
Set the dates in your calendar: June 25th to 29th. 

Summer camps are the best thing to happen in Scouting. Warm summer nights in a tent with all the scout friends. Do not miss this!

The camp site is by the Lohjanjärvi at Partioniemi camp area. We start from Opinmäki by bus at 09:00 on Wed 25.6.

Camp program (changes are possible)
(24.6. Tue Preparations, constructions and topping-out party)
25.6. Wed Bus transport to the camp site, pitching up tents, camp site tour, games, swimming and sauna
26.6. Thu Hike Day: Cub to the cave,  Adventurers to Nature Park Adventure, Trackers canoeing. Sauna and swimming in the evening.
27.6. Fri Sports Day, cubs are leaving (snif) and bon fire in the evening
28.6. Sat Squirrel Day, water, nature and skill activities, closing ceremony
29.6. Sun Packing and tidying up, visit to an old Tytyri mine!, bus transport home.

Registration is at Kuksa and the last day of registration is 6.6.2025.

Camp fees are:

2nd... siblings and sponsored fees are 50 % of the camp fee. For sponsoring, please contact troop leader Mudi.

Budget for 50 persons
Camp fees 4040 €
Espoo target grant 1000 € (not yet granted)
Total 5040 €

Venue 930 €
Catering 1700 €
Program 1200 €
Transportation 1300 €
Materials 300 €
Total 5430 €
The loss is covered from the troop's budget.

Camp chief is Timo Muttonen.